My testimony of the book of mormon

If you are ever having doubts, read the book of mormon and pray. To this day, this testimony continues to grow as i continuously search, with a sincere heart, to more fully understand the word of god as contained in this extraordinary book of scripture. Because the more i read it and the more i see of life, the more convinced i am that it is true. Prophets and apostles talk about the book of mormon. No religious class, church lesson, parental bribe, new years resolution, or challenge from a prophet helped me develop a habit of daily scripture study. And if i should do so must be extremely guarded under the risk of being misunderstood. Join hundreds of instagrammers sharing testimony of the book of.

It definitely is work, but i am learning so much, and am gaining a stronger love and testimony of the gospel, the book of mormon, and my savior. My wife, mei, and i are fresh, new members of the church. The book of mormon is true, just what it purports to be, and for this testimony i expect. But my testimony of the book of mormon and the peace it brings to the human heart is as binding as was theirs. My moms experience with the book of mormon has given her the opportunity to share her testimony of the scriptures many times. The literary testimony of the book of mormon rust, richard dilworth on.

The last two weeks we have discussed the divine origins and purposes of the book of mormon as well as the covenants and promises we can find within. Have you ever wondered about your testimony of the book of mormon. But my testimony of the book of mormon and the peace it brings to the human heart is as binding as was. My dear brothers and sisters, following the first vision, the miraculous coming forth of the book of mormon is the second fundamental. Recently, i saw a friend not of my faith posted on social media recently that she saw the book of mormon musical. My belief in the truthfulness of the book of mormon has the same source. Kimball in his first press conference after he became president of the church.

Thereafter, the book s teachings on israelites became a focus for proselyting work among the maori. However virtually all religions claim to have spiritual experiences. Take away the book of mormon, and the revelations, and where is our religion. Without the book of mormon, we would never know that god has such a beautiful plan for each one of us. The testimonies of those witnesses of the book of mormon in this book can. As editor of the book of mormon critical text project and the book of mormon. Nelson when you read the book of mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the book from its first chapter to the lastthe lord jesus christ. My testimony of the book of mormon spiritual crusade. We have that witness, my brothers and sisters, this marvelous book of inspiration which affirms the validity and the truth of the divine nature of the son of god. Top 40 inspirational book of mormon scriptures the lifey app. It declares plainly that all men must accept it as pure scripture or they will lose their souls. The testimony of the three witnesses to the book of mormon stands forth in great strength, president dallin h.

Critics have long tried to dismiss or destroy the witnesses witness. Shima my mother holds naaltsoos mormon wolyehigii in dine bizaad in the navajo language. The book of mormon provided multiple official and unofficial witnesses who corroborated aspects of josephs account. I still am amazed when answers come to me through reading the book of mormon. Ive felt prompted for a few weeks now that i want to write a post about my testimony of the book of mormon. Because of this diligent attention to spiritual things, my testimony of the book of mormon and the gospel of christ became unshaken, as i received the inner peace and knowledge that they were truth.

Often, i found myself highlighting practically entire pages. As one of a thousand elements of my own testimony of the divinity of the book of mormon, i. My witness relative to the rationality of book of mormon theology derived from a method of careful notes on arguments of the book supported by reasons, reasons which often were established upon evidence and evidence which included being surprised in my book study by. The three witnesses were oliver cowdery, martin harris, and david whitmer, whose joint testimony, in conjunction with a separate statement by eight witnesses, has been printed with every edition of the book of mormon since its first publication in 1830. David osborn heard joseph smith bear this testimony in far west, missouri, 1837. But my belief in these things, has grown significantly in breadth and depth over the years as i have grown and matured and learned. It wasnt until a few years ago when i started gaining that deeper testimony and that kind of love of this book. Josephs witness and the book of mormon are definitely anchors of my testimony.

How the book of mormon can help us gain, retain, and if. I have a testimony of the book of mormon that it is the word of god, that it is a testament of our savior, jesus christ. People have been inspired by her example, including primary children and young women. My testimony to the book of mormon is true and i am admonished neither to add to nor take from my testimony already appended to the book. It is my testimony that the book of mormon changes lives. I would like to add my testimony of the divinity of this book. A modernday apostle describes the unwavering faith churchs founders showed, even in the face of death, to remain true to their testimonies. Russell ballard once shared a powerful story that illustrates this. When you read the book of mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the book.

Each of the three had ample reason and opportunity to renounce his testimony if it had been false, or to equivocate on details if. Even during the time in my life when i was starting to question. I want to share my testimony of the book of mormon with you. A modernday apostle describes the unwavering faith churchs founders showed, even in the face of death, to remain true to their testimonies of the book of mormon. Sharing our testimony of the scriptures will improve our study. Cowardly posters with deep inner personal doubts about the truth claims of the mormon church on occasion come to this board under false pretenses including sneaking in under my own name because theyre too chicken and insecure to actually reveal their own. Book of mormon testimonies have you ever wondered about. Later, when actually incarcerated in the jail, joseph, the prophet bore a powerful testimony of the divine authenticity of the book of mormon. My dear friends, my testimony of the book of mormon came line upon line 23 as a miracle to my heart. I declare to the world that the book of mormon is true, that it came forth the way joseph said it came forth and was given to bring happiness and hope to the faithful in the latter days. Never in my born and raised in the church life have i read the book of mormon on a daily basis. It was on saturday, january 18th that our bishop called late and asked me to bear my testimony of the book of mormon the next morning in sacrament meeting along with others. I remember waking up very earlier as a family to read from its pages.

Mormons claim that a personal feeling, a burning in the bosom, which is interpreted to be a manifestation of the holy ghost, is the only evidence needed to prove that the religion is true. Hinckley, and many other leaders of the church have continued to extol the book of mormon to people throughout the world. If we repent, all of our sins can be washed away and we will be able to live with him someday. Hagoth and the polynesians religious studies center. Endure to the end, stay strong in the gospel and you wont regret it.

Ive reduced it down to my top twenty all time favorite scriptures from the book of mormon. Testimony of the book of mormon bookmark little lds ideas. Hopefully the following firsthand accounts of how different people gained their testimonies can help provide insights and inspiration for your own journey of faith. Not only can the book of mormon help us maintain our testimonies, but if we ever lose that conviction the book of mormon can help us regain our testimonies and restore our conviction. After serving as a mission president he had the following. The world was not left with joseph smiths testimony alone.

I bear witness to my family, my loved ones, my posterity, and the world that the book of mormon is true and is indeed the word of god and that joseph smith was the person god chose to restore the true gospel to the earth, in this last of dispensations, in preparation for the second coming of the savior. Reading the book of mormon is like drinking from a clear, cool mountain spring. It is not and cannot be simply another treatise on religion. My testimony of the book of mormon is rational meridian. As francis kirkham, an lds missionary to the maori in the 1890s remembered, we would go to them, hold up a copy of the book of mormon and tell them that we had a book that told the history of their ancestors barber 1215. How did i acquire a testimony of the book of mormon. When i married my husband he of course had read the book of mormon several times and had not only a very strong testimony of it but he has a love for it that i dont see in very many people. The challenge of the book of mormon religious studies center. At the beginning of the book of mormon, we have the testimony of joseph smith, the testimony of three witnesses, and the testimony of eight witnesses. Since that day in temple square, i havent looked back. My testimony of the book of mormon latterday thoughts. Oaks, first counselor in the first presidency, has said.

I remember the spirit i felt as a kid every time we read from it. I do want you all to know for sure i have that testimony, and not hide it, so i will do my best to share it with you in writing. My topic for discussion here is the challenge of the book of mormon. The book of mormon fills my life with joy and hope. The book of mormon is true, i have gain my own testimony of it, this church is the true church. I showed this to my seminary students as part of lesson 5 overview of book of mormon. The author of these truth claims essays provided to mormon stories, michael brown, shared his testimony as follows. Along with other latterday prophets, i testify of the truthfulness of this most correct of any book on earth, even the book of mormon, another testament of jesus christ its message spans the earth and brings its readers to a knowledge of the truth. Building upon this foundational testimony of christ, each book of mormon. The earliest text yale university press, 2009, my task has been to recover the original englishlanguage text of the book of mormon to the extent scholarly and academic analysis will allow.

Another testament of jesus christ is to convey to the modern world powerful testimonies of the divine mission and essential attributes of jesus christ, to the convincing of the jew and gentile that jesus is the christ, the eternal god title page. Should you pray and ask if its true or maybe you already prayed and didnt get an answer. My life by gogo goff testimony of the book of mormon. Hopefully the following firsthand accounts of how different people gained their testimonies can help. As president ballard explains, my experience throughout the church leads me to. My testimony of the book of mormon, scholarly and personal. Isnt it interesting that the general conference odyssey is just now reading through those powerful talks given by president ezra taft benson who focused so much on this great book of scripture.

Lest anyone conclude that i merely lack the powerful spiritual experiences and personal confirmation they received, allow me to share how i obtained my testimony. Like many of you, i started gaining my testimony of the book of mormon at a very young age. It is pure, direct from the source, and easy to digest. The decision to use the word challenge came from a remark by president spencer w. Each of these specific menoliver cowdery, martin harris, and david whitmersacrificed much to help with the translation and publication of the book of mormon, and its likely this is a significant part of why they were chosen as witnesses. Receiving my own testimony of glory meridian magazine. I have had my witnesses from the holy ghost that the book of mormon is true, espcially one very powerful one that got me on my knees and eventually back to church. The solemn testimony of the three witnesses has appeared in every edition of the book of mormon since 1830. To be honest, the majority of my most favorites turned out to all be pretty common. The very copy from which high red the same corner of the page to turn down still visible.

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